Chicken soup for the soul 🍗🍵
My circles for Mothers are recurring sessions which take place via Zoom on the first Monday of the month at 8pm.
I provide and hold safe space for Mothers to share, feel, offload, connect, seek advice, spiritual guidance, meditate, heal and reflect. Emotion and tears are welcomed never judged! Mothers should feel supported, heard and seen in all their glory.
The next Circle is taking place on Monday 3rd May. The SIGN UP link can be found via the blue button below. You must pre-register in order to attend!
Please make sure you also pay £11 before the session takes place. If you come to 3 circles consecutively, you'll receive the 4th one for FREE. And if you are undergoing a 1:1 package with me, you will get your circles free of charge for 3 months :-)
To pay, click here PayPalMe or scroll down to the button labelled ‘PAY HERE’.
♥︎ HASEYA - It’s time to rise fellow Mama's ♥︎
If you haven’t yet attended one of my circles, you may have questions like; "how will I feel during and after this circle? What are the benefits?" so here’s some feedback of how my Mums have felt….
❃ Supported
❃ Relaxed
❃ Clear headed
❃ Connected
❃ Refreshed
❃ Aligned
❃ Content
❃ Special
❃ Heard/Seen
❃ Enough
❃ Loved
❃ Worthy
❃ Not alone
❃ Less anxious
❃ Less stressed
❃ Better
❃ Slept better
❃ Lighter/Brighter
❃ Grounded
❃ Grateful
❃ Energised
❃ Safe